This Week's Funding News wc 22 June 2020

New funding schemes this week:

The National Lottery Community Fund: The Emerging Futures Fund

The National Lottery Community Fund want to find out how to help communities move towards recovery and renewal after the impact of COVID-19 and draw on all the creativity they’ve seen in communities and across civil society. So they’re funding organisations to look at how things are changing, what is needed in this transition, and what is possible in the future. Funding of between £20,000 - £50,000 is available.

Closing date: 25 June at 5pm  Visit the website


Edge Post Covid-19 Revival Fund

The Edge Post Covid-19 Revival Fund is a grant fund set up by the Edge Foundation to address the educational challenges arising from the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis.  The Fund will be a responsive programme of grant funding, open to educational institutions and educational charities to support the development of projects and initiatives to revive education and support the sector to build back better.

Closing date: 9 July at 12noon  Visit the website 


The National Lottery Heritage Fund: Emergency Heritage Fund (Criteria expanded & deadline extended)

The National Lottery Heritage Fund are providing a package of support for the heritage sector as a response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. This includes increased advice and support, longer-term skills and capacity building initiatives, and a £50 million Heritage Emergency Fund to provide emergency funding for those most in need. Heritage Emergency Fund grants can now be used to help organisations reopen after the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, while the application deadline has been extended.

Closing date: 31 July 2020 at 12 noon  Visit the website


The Pink Ribbon Foundation Grants

The Pink Ribbon Foundation’s mission is to help breast cancer charities help their clients recover from their cancer and then live longer, healthier, happier lives. Through its grant making the Pink Ribbon Foundation funds practical projects and initiatives, which aim to help registered charities to deliver good physical and mental health to individuals with, and recovering from breast cancer.

Closing date: 26 June 2020  Visit the website


SwitchAid: COVID-19 Telecoms Fund

In this national crisis, SwitchAid has launched a rapid response fund to help smaller registered charities and not for profits that have been affected by the impact of COVID-19. The aim of this fund is to support charitable organisations that are having communication issues as a result of COVID-19 by provided a professional cloud phone system, fully funded for 3 months.

Visit the website


Upcoming deadlines:

Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon (ABC) Borough Council: Revenue Grants (Call 2 Restricted) - Closing date: 26 June at 12 noon

Co-Op Local Community Fund - Closing date: 28 June 2020

The Ouseley Trust - Closing date: 30 June 2020

The Forces Communities Together Programme - Closing date: 30 June 2020

BBC Children in Need: COVID-19 Next Steps Grant - Closing date: 1 july 2020

Independent Age: Grants Fund - Closing date: 2 July at 9am



You can see all the schemes listed in a one-stop format, (and over 800 more relevant to NI charities), on GrantTracker, our funding database.  And we're still offering a month's free access to GrantTracker to any organisation in the sector who needs it in these challenging times.  Join the 250+ organisations who have already benefitted....

For the latest on Government, local Council and trust and foundation funding, keep checking GrantTracker and our constantly updated articles on NICVA's COVID-19 Fundraising Hub

Also, see my latest article on “How to get the most out of GrantTracker during COVID-19 and beyond”