Funding News – 23 October 2023

Your weekly funding news and deadlines update from GrantTracker.

Funding News

European Youth Foundation: Pilot Activity

The aim of pilot activity grants is to support actions which address young people’s needs or challenges at a local level. The actions have a clear link to the local context and address the priorities of the youth sector of the Council of Europe. The maximum grant for a Pilot Activity is €15 000. The EYF can cover the all real costs of the activity up to this amount. For projects from the deadline of 1 September 2023 onwards, the budget can include up to 7% of the grant awarded for administrative costs, ie heating, water, electricity costs, office rent, and insurance, and up to 10% of the grant awarded for staff costs for project coordination. Open to Regional networks of youth NGOs, National youth NGOs, and Local youth NGOs. Next deadline 15 January 2024. See also their Structural and International Activity grants programmes.

The UN Democracy Fund opens 1 November

UNDEF supports projects that strengthen the voice of civil society, promote human rights, and encourage the participation of all groups in democratic processes. UNDEF projects are two years long. Applicants can request a grant of a minimum of 100,000 US dollars and a maximum of 200,000 US dollars. Projects fall under one or more of eight main areas: Women empowerment, Rule of law and human rights, Youth engagement, Strengthening civil society interaction with Government, Media and freedom of information, and Electoral processes (focusing on elections scheduled for 2024 at the earliest).

Freelands Foundation: Autumn 2023 Fund

Freelands Foundation works to broaden access to art education and the visual arts across the UK. The Autumn 2023 Fund invites applications for grants of £50k–£150k per year for up to three years from visual arts organisations with bold and innovative programmes that build collaborative relationships between schools and visual art organisations through projects that centre teachers within creative approaches to art education. Deadline 20 November 2023.

The Big Give: Arts for Impact

The arts sector needs your support. From helping with mental health to improving social skills, arts and culture can have a huge, meaningful impact on lives. Their newest campaign aims to support arts and culture charities working to achieve societal impact across the UK. This matched funding scheme follows their 1:1 model meaning every £1 receives a matched contribution of £1. Open to registered UK charities with an income of at least £25,000 per annum where arts and culture are their core mission. Deadline 15 December 2023.

Smallwood Trust: Women's Urgent Support Fund Round 2

The Smallwood Trust has been helping women on low incomes since 1886, more than 130 years. Their mission is to enable women to become financially resilient by equipping them with the skills they need to secure a confident financial future. The Women's Urgent Support Fund Round 2 will be co-produced during Autumn 2023 with a view to launch for applications in 2024. This opportunity will be part of Smallwood's ongoing response to the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis on women's organisations.

UK Research and Innovation schemes

UK Research and Innovation has launched a new £25 million fund to support the growth of emerging green industries across the UK. The funding will support the establishment of five co-created Accelerating the Green Economy Centres. Total fund: £25,000,000. Maximum award: £5,000,000. Closing date: 12 December 2023

Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, will invest up to £4.5 million in innovation projects in the creative technologies sector. This is across two strands of the competition: industrial research and feasibility studies focusing on digital therapeutic XR solutions for improved delivery of mental health and wellbeing services. Your project’s total costs must be between £100,000 and £300,000. Closes 6 December 2023 (11am).

Upcoming Deadlines

Community Foundation for Northern Ireland open programmes

Five new local community benefit funds, set up by Gaelectric in 2016 and now managed by CGN Europe - a wind energy and energy storage company that believes in a sustainable future have been launched. They include Monnaboy, Dunbeg, Cloonty, Corby Knowe, and Carn Hill Deadline for all schemes 24 October 2023 (1pm).

VSSN Small Grants

The Voluntary Sector Studies Network invites applications from members for proposals to support and develop an idea or activity that will benefit voluntary sector studies in the UK. While grants can be related to any topic, they are particularly interested in applications focused on equality, diversity, and inclusion issues within the voluntary sector (see their statement regarding EDI here). They welcome applications from any VSSN member, but especially welcome applications from people from under-represented groups. Maximum grant of £750. Deadline 27 October 2023.

Music for All’s funding round 3

Music for All offer financial awards as well as donations of instruments in a range of categories. Music for All provides grants for both individuals and groups to enable more people to access musical instruments and lessons and music programmes for the community. Deadline 27 October 2023 (23:59).

Fermanagh Trust: The Oisin McGrath Foundation

The Oisín McGrath Foundation was formed in memory of 13 year old Oisín McGrath from Belcoo, who lost his life tragically in February 2015. The Fund will accept applications from Individuals or Groups in Fermanagh or surrounding area who demonstrate exceptional commitment and/or ability to the world of sport but may be held back by their financial situation from pursing their goals. Deadline 27 October 2023 (noon).

A B Charitable Trust (ABCT): Open Grants Programme

Grants are awarded to charities registered and working in the UK and the Trust is particularly interested in charities that work with marginalised and excluded people in society, with a focus on migrants and refugees, criminal justice and penal reform, and human rights, particularly access to justice. Open programme grants are usually between £10,000 to £20,000 and awarded annually. Deadline 27 October 2023.

Fundraising Support for autumn 2023


Last event in the Free Online Introductory Fundraising Workshops series

We have held a series of FREE workshops for NICVA members introducing a different fundraising topic or aspect of fundraising. These sessions are an opportunity to find out about an area of fundraising that's new to you, top up your existing knowledge, or be a snapshot into an element of fundraising you'd like to explore. Each workshop is led by NICVA’s Fundraising Advice Officer.


A Practical Guide to Completing Funding Applications

As the voluntary and community sector face a squeeze on finances from a variety of sources, securing funding is essential but it’s a competitive environment. This in-person event gives a useful overview and the practical advice you need to complete funding applications with a focus on addressing emerging funding priorities.

  • 30 November 2023
  • 9:30am to 12:30pm
  • Paid (£35 members £50 non-members)

Fundraising Clinics

These popular, free fundraising advice clinics provide members with an hour-long chance to discuss and address specific fundraising needs. The sessions can be delivered online, in-person or over the telephone.

Taking place, the last Tuesday in September, October, and November, you can book a slot from 10am until 4pm. See links below:


Explore the Fundraising Hub for a wide range of resources to support your fundraising journey. See example below:

Guest Blog: The Chartered Institute of Fundraising in Northern Ireland

See updated Guest Blog from Paul Montgomery, Chair of CIOF Northern Ireland detailing their upcoming NI Fundraising Forum, in association with Payaz.

Get ahead with GrantTracker and access over 1000 funding schemes in NI's leading database. Just £100 a year for NICVA members and £145 for non-members. Sign up here.