New GrantTracker Login Issues

25 June 2013

I have received a handful of calls from people who re having trouble logging into the new GrantTracker since it was revamped recently. There are three main reasons why you could be having trouble logging.

1. Trying your old Username

For new GrantTracker you need to use the email account registered on your subscription as the Username. The old username is no longer valid (unless it was your email address anyway) You can use your email address registered on the account to request a new password from the website.

Charity Commission will aid NI Trust research

30 May 2013

When the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland finally gets its online register of charities up and running it will transform local grant-making research. Ironically, it is harder for us to see the full extent of a grant-making from a local Northern Ireland Trust than it is from an English or indeed American foundation. 

Welcome to New GrantTracker

29 May 2013

New GrantTracker is here, with some new features I hope will make your grant tracking easier. Things have changed a lot since we first launched GrantTracker in 2001. I remember getting CDROMs 'burned' to post to subscribers to install on their machine. Today, you can subscribe online and search for funding from any internet enabled phone, tablet, laptop or PC.

Keep track of your applications with MyNotes

29 May 2013


The new MyNotes tool on GrantTracker allows you to add notes, comments and attach files to funding schemes.

So, for example, you may want to attach a draft Awards for All application to the scheme - or attach quotations, research documents and completed proposals.

one day

22 May 2013

It's amazing what can happen in one day. Now you can access GrantTracker for one day for £10 and see millions of pounds worth of funding opportunities. You can get instant access by purchasing 1 day access using your debit or credit card.

Deadline day dash a thing of the past?

22 May 2013

Want to avoid the last minute plane, trains and automobiles to get your application in on time?

New GrantTracker will send reminders of upcoming deadlines 9 weeks, 6 weeks and 3 weeks in advance by email for funding schemes you track.

NICVA members Coupon offer

22 May 2013

Members of NICVA benefit from £45 off their annual subscription. For the latest Coupon code check your latest NICVA news, the members section of the NICVA website or contact the NICVA membership offer.

If you are not an NICVA member and are interested in benefiting from the members discount, NICVA membership starts from £10. 

